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Photo of Lisa James, owner of Lisa James Art

My name is Lisa James, a contemporary abstract artist nestled in the heart of Cheshire, England. I'd love to help you transform your space with abstract art that echoes the beauty and power of nature.

Your Home is Your Sanctuary, right? You understand that a home is more than walls and furniture. It's a space that reflects your unique taste and personality. So you seek something beyond the ordinary - a touch of abstract luxury and bold elegance. 


My highly textured, abstract artworks are not just paintings. They are statement pieces that add a touch of luxury, bespoke elegance and vibrant energy to any room.

Hello art lover

For as long as I can remember, art has been a constant in my life, and nature has been my endless inspiration. I'm in awe of a beautiful sunrise, the relentless strength of ocean waves, and the power and movement of stunning cloud formations. Each stroke, each blend of colour, is an attempt to harness its raw energy and elegance.

My painting process brings me a sense of fulfilment and joy. With a palette rich in acrylics and a variety of brush and palette knife techniques, I strive to capture the essence of movement and energy. My approach involves not just painting but sculpting a scene, where colours blend seamlessly, creating a soft, dreamy atmosphere. This harmony and balance invite you, the viewer, into a space of peace and calm.

Each piece of art I create starts as a blank canvas but soon evolves into a story that resonates with its viewer. It's like meeting someone for the first time and instantly connecting with them. The more time you spend with your artwork, the more intricacies and details you see. The titles of my pieces emerge from this deep, intuitive connection, hoping to strike a similar chord in your heart.

But remember, this isn't just about me or even the art itself. It's about you. It's about how these pieces can infuse your space with joy and transform it into an oasis of inspiration.

Explore my collection of originals, prints, ChromaLuxe, and homeware. Feel the energy, tranquillity, and connection that each piece offers. Let's find the perfect artwork for you that doesn't just fill a space on your wall but enriches your life.

Art That Brings Joy, Inspired by Nature's Beauty

Finding Your Perfect Art Piece free guide on an iPad

While you're here, why not download my free guide on choosing the perfect artwork for your space? It's my gift to you, to help you make your home not just beautiful, but a reflection of your love for art. 


Download "Finding Your Perfect Art Piece: How To Choose Artwork That Lights Up Your Space" here.

A Special Gift for You

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